Your Appointment


Before your appointment

Before you book you will have the opportunity to have a chat with Joanna about your holistic health needs and treatment goals.

After completing a thorough consultation and case history, paying particular attention to your reproductive health and digestive health, Joanna will conduct a comprehensive review of your past and present healthcare, ensuring that your treatment accounts for you as a whole person.


During your appointment

Joanna will work with you to address your specific needs and may suggest a course of treatments. Typically, 2 or 3 professional sessions are required to address most conditions. Some conditions will require further attention over a longer period of time. Self Care massage at home is a vital aspect of the overall treatment.

The unique aspect of Arvigo Therapy is that you learn how to massage your own abdomen, helping to sustain the good circulation and blood flow initiated by the treatment. Being taught how to massage your own abdomen is truly empowering. By doing your Self Care massage regularly you carry the treatment on long after you have left your appointment. You feel more in control of your wellbeing and you are physically and emotionally connected to the treatment process.

What will happen during my session?

Upper and lower abdominal massage to help improve circulation to abdominal organs

Massage to back, sacrum and hips to further stimulate circulation to the organs of the abdomen

Evaluation of body posture

Instruction in Self Care massage which is done at home and helps to enhance your professional session.


After your appointment


The true power of Arvigo Therapy happens at home, integrated into your daily routines. Joanna will teach you how to perform Self Care massage on yourself and, drawing upon her wealth of expertise, recommend other holistic modalities to incorporate into your treatment plan. This may include dietary, supplement and herbal support, among others.

Aftercare recommendations may include:

  • Wearing of a Faja (a traditional lower abdomen supportive wrap)

  • Bajos (a traditional herbal pelvic steam bath of the Maya)

  • Application of Castor oil packs

  • Lifestyle education

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