Bach flower remedies

The Bach Flower remedies were discovered in the 1930's by Dr Edward Bach. He developed a system that used 38 flower remedies to treat different emotional states.

His philosophy was that the root of illness was created by negative emotional states, and that if this was corrected and rebalanced then the person would return to full health.

Treating the root of the problem, these powerful essences are selected after an in-depth yet relaxed consultation to address your specific emotional needs. They are then taken internally every day for a short period of time until the emotional issues identified are felt to be resolved.

After the remedy is finished, usually after about 3 weeks, a follow-up appointment is recommended to discuss the experience of the remedy and to see if any new issues have arisen.

This treatment is safe for anyone to use and has no contraindications.


Initial consultations are £45.00 + £5 for remedy. Follow-up consultations are £30.00 + £5 for remedy.