The Golden Gift

Postnatal Doula Therapy

What is the Golden Gift?

‘The Golden Gift’ is a postnatal Doula package inspired by ‘The Golden Month’, a name used in Chinese culture for the first 4-6 weeks after childbirth. In many cultures over the world there is still a celebrated and supported postpartum rest period where for the first few weeks following childbirth the mother is cared for so that she can heal, recover and bond with her new baby. I took part in a phenomenal Traditional Postnatal Doula training in June 2022 where we spent 4 days learning and practising traditional techniques that are used in variations all over the world. 

I feel deeply that this tradition of resting and caring for the new mum so that she can best take care of her baby would have also been a part of Scottish culture until not so long ago! 

‘Howdies’ is an old Scots term for the women who attended births and offered care in the community in Scotland. I would love to see a use of this word again, we desperately need it.

Why is the lie in period so important after giving birth?

Now the theory behind the lie in period is so that the mother can regain as much of her strength and health back by the end of the few weeks and a strong bond with her baby. This then allows the mother to mother at her greatest ability because she has been restored and supported. In a lot of places where this is still tradition there is family around and an entire community that supports and celebrates this precious time. This is definitely one of the biggest blocks we face in our society as Mothers are mostly alone (although never alone as always with their baby). 

We have the opposite narrative than we should, we’re told to do it all, bounce back, get up and out as quickly as possible is seen as a massive achievement, when really the biggest achievement is to ignore all of that and give yourself what you need to ease into motherhood and recover from birthing. Lots of us don't have family round the corner, or know our neighbours or even know where to start asking for help, these are the biggest hurdles in having a lie in period, modern life doesn’t support it. 

BUT we could do things differently, we could prepare for the postpartum period as much as we prepare for the birth, we could ASK for the sort of help you will need (ie Meals, meals and cleaning) in advance. We could spend time with our partners discussing difficult questions about how best to cope with the postnatal period (for both of you). And then we could invest as much time and energy in this as we do in everything else we do for our children.

How can the Golden Gift support new mothers postpartum?

Nothing can pay off more in the short and long term than mothering the mother! It makes me so sad that we have lost sight of how important it is to look after new mums (all mums, but new ones are particularly vulnerable). I want to be a part of a movement of change to return this honour, provide this support and change the narrative around how the postpartum period should be. 

The Goal of this time is for the mother and baby to Retreat, have constant Warmth from our food and environment,  have Support for all the exchange and healing, be allowed to Rest, and lastly to engage in any Ritual that feels appropriate to honour you the new mum.   

There are many reasons for each of these points, everything that we could discuss is logical, sensible and just the right thing to do. I feel it really reflects the disrespect we have for motherhood in our society that we have lost this. 

What is included in the Golden Gift package?

I am offering The Golden Gift package of 3 or 6 (or more) 2 hour postnatal visits within the first 6-8 weeks post birth.  The visits will include:

A therapeutic treatment
Nutritional support advice and meal support
Offerings of traditional postnatal support care as required
Breastfeeding/Feeding support and advice
A Closing Ceremony
Love, compassion, a listening ear, and hugs

Nothing will be fixed, it will be completely about you and what you need on that visit. 

Prior to us working together I will ask you to complete an online form which will have some questions for you to answer so that we know where to begin and how I can best help you. We can also meet in person and/or talk on the phone.

This is literally the best gift you could ask people to get you or that you give yourself! This is not a treat, this is what’s missing.

Book your Golden Gift

3 x 2hr Postnatal Visits are £400.00

6 x 2hr Postnatal Visits are £700.00 

To book, please purchase the number of sessions you require to the right. Once your order is completed, I will get in touch to organise your or your loved one’s sessions. If upfront payment is an issue, please get in touch.

We’ve never done it alone, we shouldn’t be doing it alone. 

The Golden Gift (3 x 2hr Visits)
The Golden Gift (6 x 2hr Visits)