Abdominal Therapy
What is Arvigo® or Abdominal Therapy?
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® is founded on an ancient Mayan technique of a non-invasive, external abdominal massage. Arvigo® Therapy stimulates circulation and blood flow within the abdominal area, supporting the body for optimal function of digestive and fertile health and wellness. It is a therapy that can be applied throughout every stage of a woman, man or child’s life.
Arvigo® Therapy incorporates a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Only by treating the whole person on a physical, emotional and energetic level can true healing take place.
What are the benefits of Arvigo® Therapy?
Arvigo® Therapy provides an adjunct approach to health and wellness providing symptomatic relief from numerous conditions. These techniques are based in traditional healing with a sound foundation in basic anatomy and physiology; they are not a replacements for health care. Serious medical conditions are discussed with one's health care provider in collaboration with an Arvigo® practitioner.
Practitioners who participate in our Arvigo® course of study have numerous health care backgrounds and education, reporting many common care symptoms are alleviated by the techniques. Organ functions are supported and enhanced as the 5 systems of flow (arterial, venous, lymph, nerve, chi) are improved.
Who can benefit from Arvigo® Therapy?
The following list contains the most common symptoms that may be improved by incorporating this holistic modality into your health care.
For women
Displaced or prolapsed uterus and or bladder
Painful menstrual cycles and ovulation
Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation
Bladder or yeast infections
Miscarriages, challenging pregnancies
Peri menopause, menopausal symptoms
Conditions from mal positioned reproductive organs
Enhances Fertility
PMS/Depression with menstruation
Ovarian cysts
Uterine fibroids
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Enhances Pregnancy, aids in labor and birthing
Pelvic congestion, pain
For fertility and pregnancy
Supports pre-conception
Enhances ovarian function
Trimester specific techniques to enhance health of mother and baby
Effective birthing process and post-partum care
Improves male sperm counts
For men
Early stages of prostate swelling
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Prostatitis (mild)
Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction (depending on cause)
For children
Colicky babies
General digestive issues
Enuresis (bed wetting at night)
General anxiety
For everyone
Digestive Disorders (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Gastro Esophageal Reflux (GERD), Heartburn, etc.)
Crohn's Disease
Pre and Post-Surgical Tissue Adhesion
Scar Tissue
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic constipation
Low Back ache
Restricted breathing due to tension
Source: arvigotherapy.com
And so much more. Get in touch with Joanna to discuss your specific health and wellbeing needs.
A Brief History of Arvigo® Therapy
The Arvigo Techniqes of Maya Abdominal Therapy® was founded by Dr. Rosita Arvigo.
Dr. Arvigo is a Naprapathic physician, herbalist, international speaker and author. She has lived and studied with many traditional healers in Central America for over 40 years, the most notable of whom was Don Elijio Panti, the renowned Maya shaman of Belize.
She combined her knowledge of anatomy, physiology and Naprapathy (study of muscles, ligaments, connective tissues similar to Osteopathy) with her extensive acquired background in traditional healing methods, and formu-lated the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®.
Dr. Arvigo founded the Ix Chel Tropical Research Foundation which supports the traditions of Maya healers in Belize, helping to preserve and promote knowledge of sustainable organic cultivation as a substitute for destruction and depletion of the rainforest.
Dr. Arvigo established the Arvigo Institute in 2000 which now trains healthcare professionals worldwide.
To find out more about The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® please visit www.arvigotherapy.com